Dealing with IRS Revenue Officers
We can help negotiate on your behalf.
IRS Revenue Officers
If an IRS Revenue Officer is assigned to your case, it is usually for one of the following reasons:
- You haven’t filed for several years
- Your tax liability is over $25,000
- You’ve had compliance issues with the IRS in the past
- The tax liabilities are for a business and/or relate to employment tax debts
- You have not responded to IRS contact by letter or phone
The IRS assigns Revenue Officers in cases where the tax liability is high or when tax evasion is suspected. It is one of the higher-pressure tactics the IRS can exercise in collecting from taxpayers.
If you are contacted by a revenue officer, you will definitely want a firm like Precision Tax Relief representing you.
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What Does an IRS Revenue Officer Do?
The duty of an IRS Revenue Officer is collect unpaid taxes by any means necessary. They are granted extensive enforcement powers.
These include:
- Issuing a summons compelling you to complete a financial statement at an IRS office
- Preparing a substitute tax return on your behalf, if you have not filed past tax returns
- Filing a lien on your property
- Levying your bank accounts, wages and other assets
- Investigating individual liability for a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (businesses only)
- Granting installment agreements and Currently Not Collectible status
- Referring the case to the IRS Criminal Investigation Division
Here, we’ll explain what to do if you have been assigned an IRS Revenue Officer.
Unexpected Visits from an IRS Revenue Officer
You may first become aware that an officer has been assigned to your case when they show up, unannounced, at your home or business.
The initial visit can be alarming. Your instincts may be to rid yourself of the Revenue Officer as soon as possible. You may make remarks that you regret. These are typical reactions to the surprise of finding an IRS representative on your doorstep.
However, keep in mind that how you interact with the IRS Revenue Officer can sway your case, to your advantage or otherwise. We always find it is best to be professional, responsive and courteous.
The job of a Revenue Officer is to recover tax debt owed to the IRS. They are motivated to close out your case and need to constantly demonstrate progress in collecting your tax liability. Often, they have a heavy caseload. The officer will typically have little grace for what they see as noncooperation.
This is not to suggest that you should answer every question or submit to every demand of the IRS Revenue Officer. Instead, let the officer know that your tax representative will be answering their questions and negotiating on your behalf. Then, get a tax professional on your side as soon as possible and grant them power of attorney.
The fact that you have been assigned a Revenue Officer means that the IRS is serious about collecting an actual or perceived tax liability. Ignoring or attempting to deal with the situation yourself could lead to escalating penalties and an outcome not in your favor.
You can choose to be represented by an attorney or another tax professional. In either case, when you grant your representative power of attorney, they will deal with the IRS directly.
Remember that the Revenue Officer can seize your bank account, wages, retirement accounts and receivables; they can place a lien on any property, making claim to your equity in cars, homes and even equipment. Your best bet is to respond promptly and professionally, through a representative who can advocate for your full taxpayer rights.
Preparing for an IRS Revenue Officer Visit
In some cases, you may suspect that a visit from a Revenue Officer is in your future, but it hasn’t happened yet. All the above advice applies to you, but you won’t be taken by surprise.
If you were not at home and the Revenue Officer left a business card, note the deadline on the card to respond. Make sure you have retained a representative to contact the officer by that date.
If you anticipate a visit from a Revenue Officer, but they haven’t yet left a card, be prepared by knowing your rights:
- The officer is not legally permitted into a private residence or private business, except for public areas of your business
- If the Revenue Officer brings documents, do not sign on the spot. As with all other interactions with the IRS, use your tax representative as the intermediary. If you must engage with the IRS directly, do so only after consultation with your representative.
- The officer may present terms to resolve your back tax debt. This first offer is almost certainly not the best offer you can secure. Again, do not make any verbal or written agreement without consulting your tax representative.
Information the IRS Revenue Officer May Require
The Revenue Officer will often require full financial statements with supporting documentation. Now is the time to file all outstanding tax returns and submit any current estimated tax payments. Before the IRS is willing to negotiate, they require full compliance.
If we are working on your case before the IRS Revenue Officer is assigned, we will always recommend these compliance steps first. We like to be prepared when the officer does come calling.
We are also proactive in proposing a plan and timelines to the Revenue Officer, effectively taking control of the process. This preempts unrealistic timelines for what is often extensive financial disclosure.
What will the IRS Revenue Officer request?
They may issue a Summary of Taxpayer Contact (Form 9297), which will itemize the documents and information the IRS requires.
A deadline will be set for completing this financial disclosure. Always respond by the deadline, or have your attorney request an extension. Otherwise, the Revenue Officer may issue a summons for the information, garnish your wages or levy your bank.
It is also essential that your financial disclosure be completed correctly by a tax professional. This disclosure becomes the basis on which the IRS negotiates the outcome of your case. If filled out incorrectly, you may miss opportunities for a favorable payment plan, Offer in Compromise or Currently Not Collectible status.
It’s important to note that IRS Revenue Officers are rewarded for closing cases, not for the amount they bring in. Their priority is to expedite your case and they would rather you pay less at the end than drag the process out.
Get Help Negotiating with an IRS Revenue Officer
It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of having professional representation when you are assigned a Revenue Officer. Look for a tax team with extensive IRS experience and a sterling reputation.
The Precision Tax Relief team includes Larry Nagy, a highly-experienced tax attorney with an outstanding track record of resolving difficult tax liabilities. He is one of the top legal experts representing clients facing a debt crisis.
Larry is supported by a team of licensed Enrolled Agents and Certified Public Accountants. Together, our team can negotiate the best possible outcome with the IRS Revenue Officer assigned to your case.
You are in good hands with Precision Tax Relief. In over 700 reviews — more than any other tax relief agency — our team has earned a 98% satisfaction rating with clients. Contact us for a free initial consultation to find out how we can resolve your IRS tax debt.
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FAQs on IRS Revenue Officers
An IRS Revenue Officer showed up at my work/home. What should I do?
You should be respectful, courteous and responsive to the his/her questions and requests. This officer will have a say in how your case proceeds, so you will want to make a good impression.
Although the Revenue Officer will probably ask a few open-ended questions, you do not need to offer detailed explanations or show financial statements or documentation at this point. He/she may also hand-deliver a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and will give you a deadline to submit additional information with a Summary of Taxpayer Contact (Form 9297) that details their request. You can tell the Revenue Officer you will be getting professional assistance to address the issue and that your representative will contact him/her with all the requested information.
Precision Tax Relief are experts in resolving tax issues. We will immediately contact the IRS on your behalf to resolve your tax problems.
What is the difference between an IRS Revenue Officer and a Revenue Agent?
Revenue Officers and Revenue Agents do different jobs for the IRS. Revenue Officers collect taxes while Revenue Agents audit and determine taxes.
Revenue Officers are not accountants and most are also not tax law experts. As a result, telling them that you do not owe tax will not get you very far. Their focus is on negotiating the resolution of your tax debt.
If your case has escalated to a Revenue Officer and you believe that you don’t owe the tax, then you will need to get your case back to a Revenue Agent. You can achieve this by filing an Offer in Compromise (OIC) based upon “doubt as to liability.” This is submitted on a special form — IRS Form 656-L. Alternatively, you can submit a request for audit reconsideration, which is outlined in IRS Publication 3598.
What should I do when an IRS Revenue Officer leaves a business card?
If you are not at work or home when an IRS Revenue Officer makes a visit, he or she will leave a business card that will instruct you to contact the officer by a set date. Do not ignore this instruction! If you don’t respond, the Revenue Officer can issue a summons for your attendance at an IRS office. Revenue Officers can also initiate procedures to seize bank accounts, wages, retirement accounts and receivables as well as any equity you have in cars, autos and business equipment.
Before you contact the Revenue Officer, you should seriously consider calling Precision Tax Relief to advocate on your behalf. You can then tell the Revenue Officer that your representative will contact him/her with all the requested information. We will immediately contact the IRS on your behalf to resolve your tax problems.
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